A robbery at a business in Crompton Street has been solved and goods which were stolen have been recovered in a joint effort between a local investigation company and Pinetown Police. The Crompton robbery, which occurred on Wednesday 15 November during the evening saw the business lose computer equipment, a microwave, tools and the company truck. The truck had a tracking system which led to the recovery of the company car in the Molweni area. Justicia Investigations got onto the case with the Pinetown Police and immediately began putting pressure on the outlaws. By using the tracking system to pin point the whereabouts of the truck and where it had been, Justicia Investigators managed to recover R30 000 worth of goods belonging to the business owner. Video footage assisted with information which led to the arrest of an alleged thief who, after the investigation team and the police raided the house where he was hiding, was charged with housebreaking and appeared in court on 1 December.
Crompton Robbery Foiled
Justicia Investigations, established in 1992, is a private investigations agency based in Durban and Johannesburg.